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Central Catholic Students Attend the American Legion’s Buckeye Boys and Girls State

This week, nine Central Catholic students will be attending the American Legion’s Buckeye Boys and Girls State, at Miami University and Mount Union. Buckeye Boys State and Girls State is an organization that brings together more than 2000 young men and women from 660 high schools in Ohio.

Originally founded in 1936, Buckeye Boys State is now the largest of all the Boys State programs in the nation. At Buckeye Boys State, students can explore a variety of careers in a mock-government setting. These jobs can vary from elected positions, such as mayor or governor, to other non-elected jobs, such as state patrol or city electrician.

This year Alexander Anderson, Tommy Buckler, Jacob Reckenbiel, Charles Van Koughnet, and Christian Vannan will be representing Central Catholic.

Buckeye Girls State was first held in 1947. While there, students learn about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of good citizenship while serving as delegates of mock city, county, and state governments.

This year Gracyn Clark, Allie Drlik, Elizabeth Johnston, and Ella Petit will be representing Central Catholic.

Students eligible for Buckeye State must have completed their junior year of high school, have high moral character, possess strong leadership abilities, above average scholastic standing, have an interest in current events or government, and have a desire to learn.

We’re proud of the nine seniors representing the Crusaders and we know they’ll do a great job!

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