Get Involved

Get Involved Students Every gift – Time, Talent or Treasure – truly impacts the students in our Stark County Catholic High Schools. There are a number of ways you can get involved! 

Treasure: Donate to a great cause, Catholic education! Funds generated through our donors and friends are applied to the top priorities of our schools & overall system.

Time: Each of our schools have organizations for family involvement. Parent-Teacher Organizations or Home and School Associations encourage family participation, as well as opportunities to serve the needs of specific programs and student organizations. Parent involvement provides a vibrant example of volunteerism to our students. Please contact each school with opportunities to get involved.  

Talent: With the help of committed community members, we are able to offer special programs to students in our schools, support the marketing efforts of every school, organize community events, gather Catholic elementary alumni, and more! If you would like to share your talents with the Catholic School community, contact us to discuss partnership opportunities. Sign up to Get Involved!

Stark County Catholic Schools appreciates these partners:

Affinity Medical Center
Alliance Hospital Therapy Department
Alliance Ventures
Aultman Health Foundation
Belden Charitable Trust
Buckeye Health Plan
Canton Chair Rental
Canton Health Department
Canton Palace Theatre
Canton Symphony
Center Ice Sports
Central Catholic
Cichinni Enterprises
Clearview Golf Course
Dietrich Orthodontics
Early Childhood Education Alliance
Fisher Foods
Gatehouse Media
Gervasi Vineyard
First Merit Bank
Hatfield Real Estate
Holy Cross Board of Directors
H-P Products
Idea Firm
Knights of Columbus
Kolp Real Estate
Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths, Dougherty
Leadership Stark County  
Living Bread Radio
Massillon Public Library
Massillon Rotary
Mathnasium of Belden Village
Mercy Medical Center
Northeast Ohio Veterinary Association
Oakey Law Offices
Over the Top Snacks
Paul & Carol David Foundation
Poporad Dental
Rice's Nursery
Ron Marhofer Auto Family
Sisters of Charity Foundation
Stanley Miller Construction
Stark Community Foundation
Stark County Catholic Pastors
Stark Cycling Club
Stark Parks
Stark State College
St. Thomas Aquinas
Texas Roadhouse
Thomas Wolf, CPA
Unity Health Network Rehabilitation
Walsh University
Wells Trecaso Financial
WRL Advertising
Ziegler Tire
Apple App Store Google Play Store
© 2025. Stark County Catholic Schools. All Rights Reserved.